Jan 24, 2011

Welcome to the Future!!!

I was watching a Speech of Martin Jacques in TED (http://www.ted.com/talks/martin_jacques_understanding_the_rise_of_china.html) this morning. I am very much inspired with his way of talking and the different examples about culture and civilizations, he presented in well put way. The development in china in inevitable and the momentum cannot be stopped as the huge population and diverse culture are the driving force. The speaker presents the every aspects in comparison with western things. The prediction of size of world economy, in 2020, the china's economy will reach to the upper boarder  of US economy and in 2050, when the size of the china's economy will be double of US and India. By that time India's Economy will be in the same line with US. 
Among many example i found this one quite interesting. The Picture shown below is a mega bus which is just a kind of train but underneath of it the can travels. See the picture below.