Mar 26, 2010

SU -Election 2010 January

AIT, Student Union Election for the team Jan 2010 was held on 23 March last Tuesday. I was also the candidate for the post of Vice-President. In AIT there is no election for the post of President because the vice president for this time will automatically promoted to President on the graduation day and will take the responsibility of President for one more tenure. The election was important for me as doing something as volunteers on social platform is one of my passion. It became unforgettable in AIT since i got support from many students from different part of the world. They also had expectation from me if i would be there as a Student Union President. Those Srilankan friends, Pakistanis, Afgans, Myanmar, Ethopians, Nigerans and other different nationalities, they were with me. They gave me their valuable time for my support. I really wanna appreciate their help, support and motivation. we were confident enough that we will definitely win the election. Everybody was optimistic for the result of the election but that could not be as our exception. We lost the election by 5 votes. It was like a dream that i heard the election result. Even i could not believe it at that time. The appointments of my friends of different countries made me more sad. It was really a hard luck.
Though i lost the election, i am happy that i got that tremendous support  from my friends around the globe. This is also the motivation for me for my future activities that i won't go back on doing these public social volunteering.
At last but not the least, i would like to express my sincere thanks to all my Nepalese as well as     International friends for their true support.