May 29, 2010

World Cup football 2010 FIFA official song and Lyrics


Ooooooh Wooooooh
Ooooooh Wooooooh

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud
In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhabition,
Celebration its around us, every nation, all around us

Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun
Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.
And together at the end of the day.

Republic day Celebration in Bangkok

On the occasion of Republic day of Nepal, again, we got a chance to meet together at Nepalese embassy Bangkok on 29th may 2010 (15th of Jestha 2067). More than one Hundred Nepalese were present in the celebration on invitation of His Excellency Naveen Prakash Jung Shah, The Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. There was a short formal program where the representatives from different Nepalese organizations in Bangkok were present.

His Excellency Naveen Prakash Jung Shah delivering speech

The Program started with a short welcome speech by his Excellency, on behalf of Third Republic day of Nepal. He remembered the martyr’s who suffered persecution and death for the country. Also, he appreciated the contribution of those who injured during the revolution. We played the national anthem of Nepal.
Finally, we enjoyed the Nepalse food. The “Aaluko aachar” was Hot but it was tasty. Everybody were expecting the "Khasi ko masu" but there was only "Khukhura" (Lol) hahaha.
The travel from and back to AIT was good. We really had good time.
“Happy Republic Day”

May 28, 2010

Nepal MPs meet to avert political crisis

Nepalese lawmakers are meeting in the capital Kathmandu in an effort to avert a political crisis as the deadline for a new constitution looms.

The government and opposition Maoist party are debating whether to prolong the life of the current parliament, whose term expires on Friday.

The parliament was elected in 2008, following 10 years of civil war.

A new constitution to replace the interim one must be agreed, but there has been disagreement over its details.

The government wants parliament to be given at least another six months to write the constitution.

The Maoists says before that can happen the prime minister must resign in favour of a national unity government led by them.

They also want their former fighters to be integrated into the national army, but there is no consensus over how this should be done.

The BBC's Joanna Jolly in Kathmandu says that although the three main parties have been deep in negotiations for several weeks, no side appears willing to make the compromises needed to agree a deal.

On Thursday, the President of Nepal called the party leaders into a meeting and told them to resolve their differences before parliament is dissolved or the country faces the prospect of presidential rule or even emergency rule.

Maoist strikes

Most of the MPs, including the Maoist party leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal also known as Prachanda, have arrived at the assembly hall to debate the government proposal to extend the assembly's term.

The proposal must be approved by two-thirds of the lawmakers but no single party has a majority in the assembly.

The Maoists, who ended their decade-old rebellion in 2006 and joined a peace process, are the largest party in parliament.

Both the assembly and Nepal's interim constitution will expire at midnight Friday.

Earlier this month, the Maoist party brought Nepal to a virtual standstill with a six-day strike in an attempt to force the government to resign.

Reference: BBC News

May 27, 2010

शेष घले झन् धनी

सिड्नी, अष्ट्रेलिया। गत वर्ष अष्ट्रेलियाका २०० जना सर्वाधिक धनीहरूको सूचीमा परेका शेष घले यो वर्ष पनि उक्त सूचीमा परेका छन्। अष्ट्रेलियाको प्रतिष्ठित बीआरडब्ल्यू म्यागजिनले बिहीबार प्रकाशित गरेको सूचीमा घले १७६ औँ स्थानमा परेका हुन्। गत वर्ष १६४ औँ स्थानमा पर्न सफल घलेको उक्त सूचीमा स्थान खस्किए पनि कूल सम्पत्ति भने बढेको छ। म्यागजिनका अनुसार उनको कूल सम्पत्ति गत साल २०८ मिलियन अष्ट्रेलियन डलर ( करिब १३ अर्ब रुपैया) बाट बढेर यो साल २३७ मिलियन अष्ट्रेलियन डलर ( करिब १४ अर्ब ८० करोड रुपैया) पुगेको छ। अर्थात्, गएको साल घलेको सम्पत्ति दिनको करिब ४९ लाख रुपैयाको दरले बढेको थियो।

May 23, 2010

Democracy Is Black

Congratulation Anup Poudel for this year's top 18 in the Democracy video challenge all over the world.  Last year,2009, one Nepali video from Tshering Choden  had chosen in top 18  from an independent Jury and The Democracy Video Challenge( DVC) fans. 

This time also we got the chance to be reached in that place. This is our pride and if you care to vote for anup's video then here is the link you can vote his video Click Here.

There are many privilege for The Democracy Video Challenge (DVC) participant as they can get you an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, DC, New York and Hollywood, a gala screenings of the winning videos in Hollywood, New York and Washington, exposure to filmmakers and the US film and television industry and meetings with democracy advocates from government, media and civil society.   

The 20 year old from Kathmandu, Poudel is pursuing his bachelor's degree in film studies. Till date he has made four short films and one music video. A pretty interesting resume, his list boasts the short film "My green homes", which was selected among top ten in British Council Climate Change Video Competition 2009, and it also went on to win the first prize in Asian Development Bank (ADB) Climate Change Video Competition organized in Philippines, Manila, few months back. And his recent work, "Democracy is Black" has been selected among 18 finalists. A simple guy, Poudel believes that filmmaking gives him wings to fly via his imagination, and it's in our hands to provide him with that lift.